directors // cinema collective

Copy of Tape Place (2017)


tape place (2018) 

2018 - 85 min - 2:39 - Color


TAPE PLACE is a cyberpunk inspired drama that follows Molly as she struggles with her identity in a world dominated by the metropolis, technology and surveillance.

directors notes

TAPE PLACE is a cyberpunk inspired drama starring Maria-Crystal Melo as Molly. It is experimental in narrative structure and concept, using simulacrum as a method to construct identity. Tape Place explores the stagnant and fluid sides of identity and the potential fallacy of individuality through character, cine-geography, and technological ideas. The score by Dead Neighbourhoods expresses the chaos of the metropolis.

Director/Writer: Allsun Campbell
Director of Photography: Cameron Nash
Cast: Maria Crystal Melo, Stellina Mun
Producers: Cameron Nash, Allsun Campbell, Brendon Saarinen
Editor: Allsun Campbell
Music By: Dead Neighbourhoods


TAPE PLACE Trailer (2018)